Mostly I'm working on my art projects, but I can also be hired to create your own art project.


If you have a project or want some pictures of you / someone else / an item or product, than you can contact me with your idea.


We do subjects like portrait (studio or outdoor), storytelling, communion/spring celebration, products, ...


Our studio is located in the west of Limburg (Belgium). 


We can also arrange workshops around specific themes. 

Please send us an e-mail if you want more information.


Photography curriculum vitae


     2011 - current          Member of the photography club of KWB Mechelen aan de Maas


     2015 - 2016               Digital photography (CTT, Genk)


     2016                           Workshop double exposure (C-mine, Genk)

                                         Workshop lichtmeting (Johan Doumont, Hasselt)


     2017                           Workshop kleurbeheer (Johan Doumont, Hasselt)


     2018 - current          Art Photography at the Art academy of Maasmechelen (KAMM)


     2019 - current          Co-founding member of SFK vzw, an association of graduated and current student of KAMM keep in touch




     2020                          Book 'Japanology' referring to previously used photography styles in Japan

     2022                          Publishement in Artdoc Photography Magazine n° 02.2022 in the category 'War and Peace'

                                        Book 'Repair Café'. A photographic documentary made in a few local repair cafés.



     2022                          Bronze medal in the competition 'Grote Prijs van België 2022' in the category 'Music'



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E-mail *
How did you find us? *
Message *



Steenakkerstraat 11

3630 Maasmechelen



T. +32 495 65 98 42


BTW BE 0478.678.865
Photo-division of Stradiq BV